Northwest Industries Association

Supporting and Improving the Competitiveness of the Economy

North West Industries Association

Mission Statement

The NWIA (Northwest Industries Association) is a BC non-profit organization administering publicly funded education and training programs for industry and workforce development through advocacy and partner relationships.

Greater than ninety-six percent of businesses in our province are small and medium sized enterprises. The purpose of the association is to be the coordinated voice of small and medium sized business’ across a diverse range of industries such as manufacturing, services, logistics and retail/hospitality. Strength comes from numbers so we can deliver solutions for our members.


Our current focus:


We are championing issues to make our economy more competitive for small and medium sized enterprises.

This includes increasing funds for skills training, allowing more technical immigration to fill the vast number of job vacancies, addressing the limited availability of industrial land; improving public transit so workers can easily get to their jobs, and reducing the impact of taxes on our overall business competitiveness.

This includes increasing funds for:

  • Skills training
  • Allowing more technical immigration to fill the vast amount of job vacancies
  • Addressing the limited availablity of industrial land
  • Improving public transit so workers can easily get to their jobs
  • Reducing the impact of taxes on our overall business competitiveness
affinity group industry

We have developed programs to assist our member associations to help their corporate members find viable solutions to fill the unemployment gap for entry level and technical positions.

This is achieved through successful comprehensive:

  • Student recruitment
  • Education/training
  • Job placement programs
affinity group essential business

We have built a strong network of Affinity Partners that provide tremendous products and services for each association that will provide extra value for member companies.

Our combined purchasing power has allowed us to source providers of essential business services.

We have a proven record of success with each of these partners and know the benefit from working with them.


PrintForward - “Together we are Stronger”
Date: Thurs March 5, 2020
The NWIA Affinity Partners cordially invite you to attend PrintForward’s upcoming event - “Together we are Stronger” at the River Rock Casino & Hotel.

See Event Details

Northwest Industries Association acknowledges and respects the traditional territories of the First Nations, Métis, and Inuit peoples upon which we and our partners carry out our work across Canada. We thank the hereditary First Peoples who continue to live on and care for these lands.